Racism As We See It

Racism As We See It

Submitted by Jane Gaertner on behalf of the Undoing Racism Team

For those new to anti-racist work, we ask you to pledge your efforts to fight white supremacy.

For those experienced in anti-racist work, we ask you to renew your pledge to fight white supremacy.

Exactly how you do this can manifest in many ways. On January 10, Rev. Anya said “that the fragments of meaning we make in our lives are just the right size, for us.”  Wherever you are in your journey of awareness of how to heal the brokenness we saw in our country on Jan. 6, take that cleansing rage (Thanks Maya Angelou!) and apply it to your learning and behavior changes. Study and learn what the proposed Eighth Principle can mean to you and UUCM.

UUCM has opportunities for engagement and learning. One is an adult RE class, named “Widening the Circle,” addressing white supremacy culture in UUism. Further, crucial intersectional work has begun in racial justice in policing, and offers involvement and action. Rev. Anya is working with two clergy associations in Montclair on this issue. UUFaithAction monitors and asks us to support legislation to change policing and criminal justice institutions.  Additionally, modified mental health training for officers/staff is underway in nearby West Orange.

The global health crisis has brought losses, anxiety, extra responsibilities. Facing the truth of evil in our Capitol clarifies that external forces must be fought.  Rededicating ourselves to acknowledge our own internal white supremacy and external forces must be paramount in our lives.

“We cannot be hopeless people.’  Ruby Bridges, PBS Newshour 1/14/21