Re-Envisioning Community: Exploring Restorative Justice

Re-Envisioning Community: Exploring Restorative Justice

“Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” –—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Join us for a series of conversations with New Jersey advocates for restorative justice. Restorative justice is a set of principles and practices based on the values of respect and accountability. These practices, with roots in Indigenous societies, are used to build and maintain relationships, and to repair harm. They can be applied at the personal, interpersonal, community, and societal level and in various institutions such as the criminal legal system and schools.

Six Thursday evenings: April 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27, June 3 • 7:30-8:45

April 29: Restorative Justice and Peacemaking Circles: An Introduction  Jessica Laus, NJ Restorative Justice Network 

May 6: Restorative Justice Montclair: Circles and Beyond 

Gayl Shepard and Faculty, Montclair Public Schools 

May 13: Youth Restorative Justice in Maplewood, NJ: A Community Model  Rev. Brenda EhlersWheeler, Morrow Church  

May 20: Youth Justice and a CommunityLed Approach to Restorative Justice  Retha Onitiri, New Jersey Institute for Social Justice 

May 27: Foregrounding Restorative Justice through Institutional Change  Dr. Jason Williams, Montclair State University; Tia Ryans, F.O.R.T.E. House 

June 3: Community Gathering: Moving Forward Together 

You can attend one, a few, or all of the sessions.

The program is hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair (UUCM), sponsored by its Social Justice Coalition, and developed in collaboration with the New Jersey Restorative Justice Network (NJ-RJN).

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