The Congregational Focus Team

The Congregational Focus Team

This past Spring our congregation held our annual meeting during this pandemic that we have come to know so well. And at that meeting we affirmed the 8th principle which calls us to work to build a beloved community by acts that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and in our institutions. How wonderful that we all made this commitment together. And, it is this very institutional work that I am here to talk with you about today. 

The Congregational Focus Team (a subteam of the Undoing Racism Team) has been meeting regularly since the start of this congregational year. Our goal is to examine how systemic racism and lack of inclusion lives in our midst, and impacts our faith community at UUCM.

Specifically, we understand UUCM’s adoption of the 8th Principle to be a beginning, not an end. Even as we recognize that COVID makes everything difficult, we are committed to providing meaningful suggestions to congregants, teams & committees to move this work forward.

First we must discern our places of success, the areas where we excel as an inclusive congregation, as well as our blind spots and areas of challenge, the places where we still have work to do to achieve beloved community. Following the lead of other UU congregations, we plan to use a multi-method assessment at UUCM soon.

The Congregational Focus Team aims to widen our circle of perspectives in this project. If you have any experience in this type of audit, including facilitating focus groups, the analysis of data, etc., or if you are committed to this work of inclusion, we request your participation and contributions to the work. Please contact the Congregational Focus Team of the URT at