President’s Message – May 2013

I left my full-time job in October 2012 in order to focus on starting a new business.  I have a very good friend who I confided in (who also happens to be a fellow UU) and she has been in a position to keep me employed since then, in one way or another. She is a member of the First Unitarian Society of Plainfield congregation and it’s through her that I became involved in Unitarian Universalism in the first place.  I am blessed to have a friend who has been so supportive and helpful to me.

Over the last few months I have been working on a project inWashingtonD.C.  It has been intense, since I’ve been working 6 days a week.  I would come home late Saturday night, unpack, do my laundry, repack and leave Sunday evening to do it all over again.  It was a great experience.  I learned some new job skills and made some new friends.

So now I’m back, and things are as unsettled as ever.  Starting up a business is a fluid enterprise indeed.  It’s not a question of if, but it is very much a question of when, and these days my business partner and I are at the mercy of forces that are not under our control.

I am glad to be back.  I came to services when I could and kept in touch as I needed to during the life of the project, but it’s been good to be back more permanently, to be present and re-connect with you again. At this particular time,  I appreciate how much the U is a centering force in my life.  The life I have constructed around the U, my friends and colleagues, and the relationship I have with the congregation as a whole, give me confidence and strength, and optimism, where I otherwise would be frozen with fear.

Whether my partner and I will be ultimately successful in our new venture remains to be seen, but I truly feel that I am finally, FINALLY being true to myself.  Even if we fail, and I truly don’t believe we will, I’ll always have a place to go to, a place to call home.

Teresa DeSousa
President, Board of Trustees