From Judy Lutzy, Chair of the Planned Giving Committee
We are excited to announce our participation in the Unitarian Universalist Association’s “Legacy Challenge.” Thanks to a 5 million dollar gift from the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock, UUCM could receive matching funds of up to $10,000 per donor for certain planned gift pledges made through December 31, 2020. This includes existing gifts about which we have not been previously notified.
With this gift they will match any legacy gift at 10% up to a maximum of $10,000 per gift. A legacy gift is the culmination of a life’s work and it speaks to the values of the giver beyond their lifetime. A strong planned giving program can transform a congregation and, through our combined generosity, has the power to provide for our congregation well into the future
If you have included UUCM in your will or a trust, or have made us a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy that gift will be matched as long as we provide proof that the bequest has been made. All we need is a copy of that page in your will or trust or the beneficiary designation page from your retirement or life insurance account. This is a wonderful way for us to build our endowment fund and leave a legacy for the UUCM for the future. You may have already left a gift to the congregation but this is a great incentive to do so now if you have not.
If you have included the congregation in your estate planning, please contact me or speak to one of the ministers. You will be hearing much more about out legacy planned giving campaign in the New Year.