From Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, Senior Co-Minister
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” –Winston Churchill
How do we “make a life by what we give?” At the U we do this in part by donating our 3 ‘T’s – Time, Talent, and Treasure. As a cooperative, volunteer-run organization, we ask for you to donate what Time you can to help staff our programs. We ask for your Talent where it fits our needs as well, helping us do more with less while building community in service together. And, since maintaining our Facilities and our incredible Staff costs money, we also ask you to donate your Treasure to your ability.
Our 2018-19 Generosity Campaign – Building A New Way – will last just 6 weeks! This is to provide some focus to the program and to be kind to our staff and pledge volunteers. Pledging is necessary so we can build our budget and plan for our operations, having a more accurate idea of how much income we will have so as to make the most of everyone’s contributions. Simply putting money into the plate is okay, but pledging is our obligation so staff and lay leaders know how to plan well to fund our life-saving ministries. Of course, we all know that some of you may not be able to give much of one or more of those 3 ‘T’s. Please know you remain treasured members of UUCM as well.
Our historic, professional religious institution needs all 3 ‘T’s from each of us to the extent that all are able. So please take the time this month to have those important conversations with our Pledge Team and see how you can help ‘make a life’ by contributing your 3 ‘T’s to supply our mission of personal, community and spiritual transformation. Get your pledge forms in early so we can more precisely build our budget that reflects our values and priorities.