Matt Silverman and family joined the UUCM in 1997. Most recently Matt headed the Congregation’s Strategic Planning initiative and is currently a Board Trustee. In 2008, Matt was recognized as a Pillar of the Congregation in 2008 after having served on the Board the previous three years. Additionally, Matt ran Pledge Drives in 2008 and again (with wife Nancy) in 2013 and has been active with UUFaithActionNJ as Criminal Justice Task Force co-chair. With their three children, (Jonathan, Erin and Emma) as graduates, Matt and Nancy have been teachers and organizers in all aspects of the congregation’s RE programs since joining. Specifically, Matt has taught the Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum at all ages since 2009. Elsewhere, Matt dedicated his career to upgrading and improving transportation and curbspace usage working with dozens of cities around the nation. Locally, he is the Vice President of the Montclair Center Business Improvement District and volunteers for various civic and non-profit programs.