The spiritual path is a circular route where we are lost and found and lost again. In the time of GPS and Google, getting lost demands as much attention as being found.
Author: Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael (Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael)
“Relentless” - led by the Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister. Sometimes the aches of the world are relentless and we need to respond with relentless care, relentless courage, and relentless compassion.
Saving Democracy
“Saving Democracy” - led by the Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister. Rev. Anya is committed to preaching a post Roe sermon that invites us to put our faith into action even amidst the despair of these times. The service is designed to hold us and ground us with music and deepening.
All the Colors of Pride
Our service will celebrate all of the colors of pride, proclaiming that we need each and every one of us to survive.
Service Calls Us Forth
This annual Service of the Living Tradition that centers around the idea and the ideal of “Home.” Transitioning leaders will be honored.
In Memoriam
We remember what we have lost and what we have found. Join us for a journey with our choir and Rev. Anya into the depths of our souls.