
Friday Night Soulful Sundowns

Please join us for more fabulous Soulful Sundowns – now once monthly on the first Friday of the month at 7:30 PM. Your Soulful Sundown Team feels that with the coming of warm weather we will do well to meet monthly, rather than weekly, for a Soulful Sundown. This will also give our team the time...


UUCM Leaders Ritual

Our congregation is sustained by the commitment of our leaders. Thank you for all you do. Especially now our lay leaders have been doing extraordinary work to ensure that our congregation sustains and our members remain connected, through this crisis. Leaders keep our congregation strong, but the only way that leaders stay strong is by taking...


Add your Photo to our Worship Experience

Dear Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair Members and Friends, Jerry Fried is pulling together a special segment for our worship on Sunday May 31st. Please send him:  A picture of the chalice or candle that you light at home during our worship services. (It would be lovely if you or your family were in these photos...


Undoing Racism Committee Meeting

Thursday, May 21, 2020, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM All are welcome to attend the next URC meeting. Intern Minister Antonia Bell-Delgado will join us to discuss forming an Allies for Racial Equity group at UUCM. Please contact Jane Gaertner if you plan on attending. 

Newark Emergency Services for Families

Newark Emergency Services for Families

For over 40 years, NESF, a non-profit organization, has been serving the Greater Essex County Community.  NESF is committed to providing quality services to individuals and families who need assistance with emergency food, clothing, shelter, utilities, rent, and other basic necessities during times of crisis.  The homeless, the working poor, seniors, dually diagnosed, and those...