Section 1. This Congregation shall be known as “The Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair.” 

Section 2. Mission Statement: Grounded in Faith, we come together to nurture the soul, inspire hope, and bring into being a more just and loving world. 

Section 3. The mission, vision, and strategic direction of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair support us in the countering of oppressions. We commit to structuring congregational life to serve inclusion and embody equity. We recognize how systems of power, privilege, and oppression have traditionally created barriers for persons and groups with marginalized identities, narratives and voices. We pledge to dissolve such barriers with ever widening circles of mutual liberation.


This Society shall be affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Association (“UUA”). 


Section 1. Membership shall be open to any person regardless of their race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, age, sex (including pregnancy), familial status, marital/civil union status, religion, domestic partnership status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, genetic information, liability for military service, and mental or physical disability (including perceived disability, and AIDS and HIV status). 

Section 2. Any person who is at least 18 years old and is in accord with the mission of the Congregation may become a member by signing the Membership Book and affirming their commitment to take part in the life of the Congregation through their presence, engagement and/or monetary contributions. Membership in the Congregation continues as long as the member maintains this commitment to the Congregation. The Board of Trustees may remove from the membership role, the name of any member who no longer wishes to be a member, who has withdrawn their presence, engagement and / or monetary contributions, or whose acts are inimical to the interests of the Congregation. 

Section 3. Any person who is at least 14 years old and has completed either the Congregation’s then current Coming of Age Programs or other similar programs approved by the Minister(s), may become a youth member by signing the Membership Book. Such a youth member shall have the right to receive notice of and vote at Congregation meetings and shall have any other rights, privileges and obligations granted to such youth members by the Board of Trustees or these bylaws. Youth membership continues until the youth member attains the age of 18 years unless the youth member requests to continue membership as an adult member and makes the commitment of an adult member as provided in Section 2 of this Article. A youth member may be removed from the membership role by the Board of Trustees upon their request or if their acts are inimical to the interests of the Congregation. 

Section 4. In these bylaws where the text requires a specific vote of the membership, the words referring to members and youth members do not mean that the specified percentage applies to each of those types of membership, but rather the vote applies to the combined total of both types of membership.


Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall consist of the elected Officers specified in Article V and six Trustees, all elected at large. All Officers and Trustees must be members of the Congregation. No Officer or Trustee shall serve in the dual capacity of Officer and Trustee. All Officers shall be members of the Board of Trustees. 

Section 2. Trustees shall serve for a term of 3 years and until their successors have been elected. The first year the Board of Trustees has six members (2022-2023), one Trustee shall be elected and, thereafter the number elected each year will depend upon the number of Trustees having their terms end. Prior non-successive service as a Trustee and service in the non-expired term of another Trustee shall not be counted as part of such three-year term. Trustee vacancies may be filled by the Board of Trustees until the next Annual Meeting of the Congregation, at which time such vacancies shall be filled by election for the non-expired term. 

Section 3. The Board of Trustees shall have the power and responsibility to do whatever may be necessary for the welfare and interest of the Congregation, subject to the limitations imposed by law and these bylaws. 

Section 4. The authority of the Board of Trustees may be exercised between meetings by an Executive Committee, which shall consist of the elected Officers, subject to the limitations as the Board of Trustees may impose. The Board of Trustees may appoint to the Executive Committee a current Trustee at large if it believes doing so will enhance the inclusivity of that body. 

Section 5. Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held at such times and places as the Board of Trustees may determine. The Board of Trustees may also direct whether its meeting shall be live, virtual or multi-platform. Notice of such meetings shall be given to each Trustee and each Officer by reasonable means and upon reasonable advance notice before each meeting. All meetings of the Board shall be open to all members of the Congregation in good standing, including youth members, provided the Board of Trustees may meet in executive session to discuss private or confidential matters such as personnel issues. The Board may also invite such individuals or groups of the larger community to attend Board meetings. 

Section 6. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by the President or at the request of any two Trustees. As much advance notice, as is practical, of the time and place of such meeting shall be given to each member of the Board of Trustees. 

Section 7. A majority of the members of the Board of Trustees then in office shall constitute a quorum, and all actions of the Board of Trustees shall be taken by a majority vote of those present, except as otherwise provided in these bylaws. 

Section 8. All employees of the Congregation, other than those described in Article X, shall be employed by the Board of Trustees. Eligibility for employment by this Congregation shall not be denied or restricted on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, age, sex (including pregnancy), familial status, marital/civil union status, religion, domestic partnership status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, genetic information, liability for military service, and mental or physical disability (including perceived disability, and AIDS and HIV status).. No member or youth member may be hired as a permanent employee. From time to time members may be contracted on a temporary basis.


Section 1. The elected Officers of this Congregation shall be the President, President-elect, Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officer vacancies may be filled by the Board of Trustees until the next Annual Meeting of the Congregation, at which time such vacancies shall be filled by election. 

Section 2. 

A. The President, President-elect and Past President shall serve for a term of one year and until the next President-elect has been elected. At each Annual Meeting of the Congregation, a President-elect shall be elected. After expiration of the term of the President-elect, they shall automatically become the President; upon the expiration of the term of the President, they shall automatically become the Past President. If at the end of the term a President-elect is unable or unwilling to assume the office of President, both a President and President- elect shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. If at the end of the term of the President, they are unable or unwilling to assume the office of Past President, the office shall remain vacant until it is next filled under the provisions of this bylaw. 

B. The Secretary and Treasurer shall serve for a term of one year and until their successors have been elected, provided that they shall not serve for more than three successive terms in the same office. Prior non-successive service in the same office and service in filling a vacancy in the same office for the non-expired term shall not be counted as part of such three successive terms. 

Section 3. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Congregation, the Board of Trustees, and its Executive Committee. The President shall also sign all contracts and other documents in the name of the Congregation and shall perform all duties usually incident to the office and such duties as may be assigned by the Board of Trustees. 

Section 4. The President-elect shall perform the duties of the President in the President’s absence or inability to act. They shall become informed about the duties and responsibilities of the President, and the policies and ongoing projects of the Board of Trustees. They shall also undertake such other duties as are assigned to them by the President or Board of Trustees. 

Section 5. The Past President shall advise and assist the President and President-elect in carrying out their duties and shall assist in ensuring that policies and ongoing projects of the Board of Trustees are adhered to and continued. They shall also undertake such other duties as are assigned to them by the President or Board of Trustees.

Section 6. The Secretary shall attend and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Congregation, the Board of Trustees, and the Executive Committee and shall maintain the minutes or reports of all committee meetings provided to the Board of Trustees. The Secretary may witness the President’s signature and affix the seal on all necessary documents. The Secretary shall also perform such duties as may be assigned by the Board of Trustees. Upon reasonable application, the Secretary shall provide any member or youth member access to records of the Congregation, including the Certificate of Incorporation, these bylaws, the Minutes of all meetings of the Congregation, all annual Financial Statements and annual Reports, the most recent report of the number of members provided to UUA, and any additional documents that the Board of Trustees shall authorize the Secretary to release. 

Section 7. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Congregation. The Treasurer shall have the custody of the moneys and securities of the Congregation, shall deposit all moneys and valuables in such depositories which are approved by the Board of Trustees, and shall disburse the funds of the Congregation as ordered by the Board of Trustees, except as otherwise determined by the Board of Trustees and as otherwise limited by these bylaws. The Board of Trustees may appoint Assistant Treasurer(s), as necessary, to assist with the Treasurer’s duties at the Treasurer’s direction. With the Approval of the Board of Trustees, the Treasurer may delegate ministerial functions to an employee of the Congregation. The Treasurer shall also perform such duties as may be assigned by the Board of Trustees.


Section 1. The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee shall consist of six members of the Congregation. In each year, at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation, two (2) members shall be elected to serve on the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee for three-year terms. No Nominating and Leadership Development Committee member may be elected to serve two consecutive terms. Prior non-successive service as a member of the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee and service in filling a vacancy in the non-expired term of a member shall not be counted as part of such three-year term. Vacancies shall be filled until the next Annual Meeting of the Congregation by the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee, at which time such vacancies shall be filled by election for the non-expired term. The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee shall select its own chair, or the chair may be selected at the pleasure of the Board. 

Section 2. The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee shall identify and invite members of the Congregation to assume leadership roles within the Congregation. The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee shall submit to the membership at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation for its consideration of candidates for the Officers and for open Trustee positions, and candidates for the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee members. The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee shall also identify suitable candidates for such other leadership roles as shall be agreed upon by the Committee and the Board of Trustees. 

Section 3. The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee in making its recommendations shall adopt its own internal procedures and may consult with the Congregation’s membership, organizations, and Minister(s) as to suitable nominees and candidates, as well as resources and programs to develop lay leaders. With the approval of the Board of Trustees, the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee shall develop a structure and policies so as to utilize internal and external resources, teams, and committees to implement its role in leadership development and candidate identification.


Section 1. The Congregation shall hold its Annual Meeting in the spring at such time and place as the Board of Trustees shall determine. The Board of Trustees may also direct whether the Annual Meeting shall be live, virtual or multi-platform. Nominations for Officers, Trustees, and members of the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee may be made from the floor provided the nominee has consented to such nomination prior to the vote. 

Section 2. The President may call special meetings of the Congregation either at the request of the Board of Trustees or by written request filed with the Secretary of not less than 15% of the members and youth members of the Congregation. The membership count shall be the number of members and youth members reported to the denomination as of the last report of membership to the UUA. 

Section 3. Written notice of all meetings of the Congregation shall be sent at least 15 days before the meeting. In such notice, all business being submitted by the Board of Trustees for approval by the membership shall be described in reasonable detail. If a member has provided an e-mail address to the Congregation, such notice may be sent via e-mail rather than postal mail. 

Section 4. Other proposals for action by the membership may be included in such notice provided they are submitted in writing, by at least ten members or youth members of the Congregation, to the Secretary and/or President at least 25 days before the meeting. The Congregation shall vote only upon those proposals set forth in the notice of the meeting unless four-fifths of those present (in person or by proxy) vote to add a new proposal to the agenda of the meeting. 

Section 5. A quorum of this Congregation shall consist of 20% of the members, as defined in Article VII, Section 2. All actions of the Congregation shall be taken by a majority vote of members and youth members present except as otherwise provided in these bylaws. If a quorum is not obtained, the meeting shall be adjourned and as much advance notice of the rescheduled meeting, as is practical, shall be sent to all members and youth members. Proxies may be used to obtain the quorum and for voting, if such proxy is submitted in writing to the President of the Board of Trustees prior to the opening of any Congregation meeting. Any member in good standing may be named a proxy by any other member in good standing. A proxy holder may not hold more than two proxies or cast more than three votes including their own. The proxy authorization must state the designee’s full name, the date and type of meeting for which the proxy shall be valid and the designator’s name and signature. It shall be incumbent on the member holding the proxy (or proxies) to inform the counters of the number of proxies they hold. The President or the President’s designee shall have the final ruling on questions of proxy validity. A member represented at a meeting by proxy shall, for all purposes of these bylaws, be considered present at the meeting. 

Section 6. To vote, a person must have been a member or youth member of the Congregation for not less than two months. 

Section 7. The President may appoint a parliamentarian to advise the chair on questions of procedure. Any ruling of the President may be appealed to the membership present at the meeting for a final determination.


The fiscal year of the Society shall commence on the first day of July each year and shall end on the thirtieth day of June each year. 


Section 1. The Board of Trustees may, from time to time, establish and disband committees, councils, teams, groups and other organizations of the Congregation (hereinafter “Organizations”) that are responsible for a particular activity or program of the Congregation except the Board of Trustees may not disband the Executive Committee, the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee, the Council on Ministries or any other Organization established in these bylaws by name. Such Organizations shall perform such duties as the Board of Trustees may assign and shall be responsible to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees may assign a liaison between it and the Organization. The President and Minister(s) shall be Ex-Officio members of every Organization, except the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee and, in the case of the President, the Council on Ministries, and shall receive notice of Organization meetings and each shall have the right, either personally or through a designee, to attend and participate, but not to vote at such meetings. The Minister(s) and/or President (or their designees) shall not count toward a quorum at such Organization meetings, and their failure to attend an Organization meeting shall not prevent a quorum or limit the ability of the committee to meet and take action. 

Section 2. Except as otherwise provided for by these bylaws, the Board of Trustees may annually appoint the chair of each Organization or if it decides or fails to do so, the chair shall be selected by the Organization itself. The chair of each Organization must be a member or youth member. 

Section 3. Except as the Board of Trustees shall otherwise determine, each Organization shall determine its own membership and operating procedures, which shall be consistent with these bylaws and subject to change by the Board of Trustees. Each Organization shall report their actions to the Secretary in a format to be determined by the Board of Trustees. 

Section 4. Except for the Executive Committee, no Organization of the Congregation, created or existing pursuant to these bylaws, shall take any action to bind the Board of Trustees or the Congregation.


Section 1. The settled Minister(s) (herein the “Minister(s))” and any Minister of Religious Education, or Associate Minister shall be nominated by a search Committee consisting of not less than five members. The members of a search committee shall be members or youth members of the Congregation and nominated by the Board of Trustees and elected by the Congregation. Unless otherwise specified by the Board of Trustees, the Congregation shall follow the policies and procedures of the UUA in selecting settled Minister(s). An opportunity shall be provided for any candidate recommended by the committee to preach at least once during a regular worship service. The Congregation’s approval of the Minister(s) and any Minister of Religious Education or Associate Minister shall be made by a two-thirds vote of those present or voting by proxy at any Annual Meeting or special meeting of the Congregation called for that purpose. 

Section 2. The Board of Trustees may recommend to the Congregation that the Minister(s), Minister of Religious Education and/or Associate Minister be dismissed. A two-thirds vote of those members and youth members present at a meeting of the Congregation called for that purpose is required for dismissal. Any action so taken must also comply with the terms and procedures of any contract with such individual. 

Section 3. Part-time ministers shall be called by the Congregation in accordance with the policies established by the Unitarian Universalist Association whenever possible. 

Section 4. Eligibility for any ministerial position with this Congregation shall not be denied or restricted on the basis of age, creed, faith, national origin, race or color, gender, sexual or affectional orientation, or physical challenge. 

Section 5. The Board of Trustees and the Minister(s) shall together appoint a Council on Ministries, consisting of six members of the Congregation, who shall serve a three-year term from the date of their appointment. Members of the Board of Trustees shall not serve on the Council on Ministries. The Council on Ministries shall act as a liaison, facilitating communication among the Board of Trustees, the congregation at large, and the minister(s) called or employed under this Article. The Council on Ministries shall evaluate, educate and advise the Board of Trustees and the members and youth members of the Congregation concerning the effectiveness of the ministries, particularly in relation to fulfilling the Mission Statement of the Congregation. The Council will report periodically to the Board of Trustees and shall prepare a report on the spiritual health of the Congregation for presentation at the Annual Meeting. The Council on Ministries shall look for ways to create synergy between the ministries and may also act as an active helper to ministries that are struggling. The Council on Ministries will also recommend structural and operational changes to the ministries, minister(s) called or employed under this Article, and the Board of Trustees, and may seek ways to make those changes possible with support and, if required, approval from the Board of Trustees.


Section 1. It shall be the financial policy of the Congregation: 

A. To raise sufficient income each fiscal year to meet the Congregation’s total operating expenses for that year; 

B. To provide and maintain an Endowment Fund, a Capital Fund and a Reserve Fund. 

C. To obtain, invest, and expend all Congregation funds prudently.

Section 2. The Congregation’s annual operating budget for the ensuing fiscal year shall be approved by the Congregation each year at the Annual Meeting. A proposed budget projecting funding and expenses for the ensuing Fiscal Year shall be prepared by the Treasurer in accordance with the budgetary procedures established by the Board of Trustees. Those procedures shall provide an opportunity for the Organizations of the Congregation to request funding and for the Congregation to review the proposed budget in advance of the Annual Meeting. The Board of Trustees will consider, modify, and approve the proposed budget in one or more meetings and in a time frame that allows the budget to be part of the agenda at the Annual Meeting. 

Section 3. If there are significant shortfalls in income, increases in expenses, increases in income or decreases in expenses, it may be necessary to modify the approved budget during the Fiscal Year. Only the Board shall have the authority to modify the approved budget. If total additional funding approved by the Board of Trustees exceeds 10% of the budget in any Fiscal Year, such increase(s) must be approved by the Congregation. Insubstantial shortfalls in income or overages in expenses do not require the budget to be modified if they do not affect the provisions of Section 1. A. of this Article, although any deviation in the budget will be reported by the Treasurer to the Board of Trustees. 

Section 4. If the Board of Trustees shall determine at the end of any fiscal year, that there shall be a budget surplus, after payment of all current outstanding obligations, the surplus may be applied in any combination of the following ways: 

A. To the next fiscal year’s budget as long as the amount added does not in total exceed 10% of next fiscal year’s overall operating budget, in which case it must be approved by the Congregation; 

B. To one or more of the Congregation’s Funds, including a Fund created to receive such amount as provided in Article XII 1. D.; and / or,

C. To hold such amount in reserve for a specified project or use in the future, provided that such amount must be expended or otherwise applied as provided in Section 4. A. or B of this article within 3 years. 

Section 5. The Board of Trustees shall levy no general assessment. No real estate shall be purchased or sold, and no building shall be erected or mortgaged without approval of the Congregation.


Section 1. The Funds of the Congregation shall be the Endowment Fund, the Capital Fund, the Reserve Fund, and such other funds as are established by the Congregation or Board of Trustees pursuant to Article XII, Section 1 D below. The Board of Trustees shall act for the Congregation to invest and administer the Congregation’s Funds. The Funds of the Congregation are to be kept separate and not commingled with each other, with the operating funds of the Congregation, or with any other accounts of funds established by the Congregation or Board. 

A. The Endowment Fund is intended to be a permanent fund for the Congregation, and thus no withdrawals of principle shall be allowed. The current income of the Endowment Fund (defined as the interest and dividends for the current fiscal year, and up to one-third of the capital gain for the current fiscal year) shall be available to help defray the annual expenses of the Congregation. 

B. The Capital Fund is intended to be a separate fund to finance major repairs, replacements, improvements, new buildings, and additions to the Congregation’s physical plant. Withdrawals from the Capital Fund for eligible repairs, replacements, or improvements of the physical plant in the amounts the Treasurer determines are fiscally prudent may be made by the Board of Trustees. Withdrawals from the Capital Fund for new buildings or additions to the physical plant in the amounts the Treasurer determines are fiscally prudent must be requested by the Board of Trustees and approved by a vote of the Congregation at a meeting of the Congregation. Projects eligible for monies from the Capital Fund shall be defined as those that will benefit the Congregation for at least 5 years. The Capital Fund shall not be used for ordinary maintenance expenses. The current income and capital gains of the Capital Fund, to the extent not distributed, shall be reinvested in the Capital Fund. 

C. The Reserve Fund is intended to be a separate fund to secure the Congregation’s operating expenses from significant, unforeseen short-falls in income or increase in expenses. The total amount in the Reserve Fund shall be limited to 25% of the Congregation’s annual operating budget. Withdrawals from the Reserve Fund in amounts the Treasurer determines are fiscally prudent may be made by the Board of Trustees. The current income and capital gains of the Reserve Fund, to the extent not distributed, shall be reinvested in the Reserve Fund. If at any time total deposits in the Reserve Fund exceed 25% of the Congregation’s annual operating budget, the surplus shall be allocated to Congregation Funds as determined by the Board of Trustees as provided in Article XII, Section 2 B below. 

D. The Board of Trustees or the Congregation may authorize any additional separate Funds for the Congregation the purpose of which shall be consistent with the Congregation’s financial policies and its mission statement. Any such fund shall be utilized and governed as provided in these bylaws and the resolution authorizing the Funds creation, as it may be modified from time to time by the Congregation, if the Fund was created by the Congregation, or the Board of Trustee if it was created by that body. The Board of Trustees may provide such other rules and procedures for the Funds, consistent with the authorization and these bylaws. 

E. The Board of Trustees in their discretion may manage all or part of the moneys in the Congregation’s Funds (assuming one or more of the Board of Trustees has investment expertise) or they may:

a. request the advice of an existing or specially created committee; and/or 

b. employ professional assistance in such fund management. 

F. The Treasurer and members of the Board of Trustees shall not be responsible for any loss except such as may arise from willful misconduct or default or from gross negligence. The Board of Trustees may also establish committees as needed to recommend how the Congregation’s Funds are utilized. 

G. The Treasurer shall report on a quarterly basis to the Board of Trustees on the status of all Funds, and a summary of the balance of and previous year’s transactions for the Fund shall be made available to the Congregation on an annual basis. 

Section 2. Bequests, legacies, other forms of significant special gifts (hereinafter “Gifts”) shall be allocated as follows: 

A. Gifts for which the donor’s intended use is known shall be applied by the Board of Trustees as nearly as possible, in keeping with Congregation policy and purposes, in accordance with that intent and utilizing the options in Section 2. B. of this Article. 

B. Gifts which have no specified intended use shall be applied by the Board of Trustees in any combination of the following ways: 

a. To the current or next year’s budget as long as the amount added does not in total exceed 10% of next fiscal year’s overall operating budget, in which case it must be approved by the Congregation; 

b. To one or more of the Congregation’s Funds, including a Fund created to receive such amount; and / or, 

c. To hold such amount in reserve for a specified project or use in the future, provided that such amount must be expended or otherwise applied as provided in Section 2.B. a. or b. of this article within 3 years.

C. Where a specific purpose or a condition is designated by the donor or decedent, the Board of Trustees shall determine, in consultation with the Minister(s), whether the gift or bequest can be accepted in keeping with any such purpose or condition imposed by the donors or decedents, given the Congregation’s financial policies and its mission statement. Consistent with the foregoing, the Board of Trustees shall have the power to negotiate and finally determine whether the gift or bequest can be accepted.


This Congregation may be dissolved by a vote of the membership at an Annual Meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose. The affirmative votes of two-thirds of the members and youth members present (in person or, if permitted, by proxy) at such a meeting shall be required to approve such dissolution. Upon the dissolution of the Congregation, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Congregation, no part of the remaining assets may be distributed to any Trustee, Officer, member, or youth member of the Congregation but shall be distributed exclusively for the purpose of the Congregation in such manner and to such organization or organizations as determined by the Board of Trustees, provided each such organization is a Unitarian Universalist Congregation belonging to the UUA and is located in Montclair, or Essex County, New Jersey, or is the UUA for the purpose of supporting a Unitarian Universalist Congregation in New Jersey, and provided that at the time of such distribution, each such recipient of assets shall be exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and provided that any amendment of this Article to change the recipients of assets upon dissolution shall be by way of a bylaw amendment and shall require the affirmative votes of 85% of the members and youth members present (in person or by proxy) at an Annual Meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose.


These bylaws may be added to, amended, or repealed in whole or in part at any meeting of the Congregation by a two-thirds vote of the members and youth members present, provided that written notice fully stating the text of the proposed changes has been given to each member and youth member of the Congregation in the manner provided in Article VII Section 3., Any amendments to the proposed changes that were sent to each member and youth member must be approved by a four-fifths vote of the members and youth members present.