
Marcia Mandel

We lit a candle for Marcia Mandel as she heals from a surgery.


John Sincock

Amy Hains lights a candle for her father, John Sincock, who is entering hospice this week after battling cancer and emphysema. Amy and her family were able to spend time with her father during these last few weeks together. Please hold Amy and her family in your love. 



Judie Rinearson lights this candle for her dear 80-year old friend Myra who was just hospitalized in Kentucky for heart-related problems.  The prognosis isn’t very promising.  Please keep Myra in your thoughts and prayers. 


Ivan Kaplan, Ginny Osborn

Teresa DeSousa lights this candle for the mother of her business partner and friend Ivan Kaplan, who is going into hospice this week. And Teresa lights this candle for the mother of her best friend, Ginny Osborn, who is in hospice.  


Aunt and Uncle

Kathleen Shaughnessy lights this candle for her aunt and uncle who lost their dog Hershey after 15 years. Kathleen adds – My aunt is still really upset, and says the house feels empty now that Hershey is gone.  


Jordan Tassy

We light this candle for Jordan Tassy who is fighting for his life at Mountainside Hospital with complications from Covid-19. Norma Tassy asks for our prayers. May warmth from our hearts hold Jordan and his family during this time of incredible need.