The Bible Is A Necessary Resource For Pagans As Well

The Bible Is A Necessary Resource For Pagans As Well

Recently, the news reported that former U.S. president Donald Trump is selling Bibles. Get your corrupted Bible here! He said every American should have them. This is probably the most intelligent thing he’s ever publicly said. However, he shoved his foot in his mouth immediately afterwards, by saying “Make America Pray Again.” Um, no thank...

Imbolc: Spring’s Coming — Plant Seeds And Intentions

Imbolc: Spring’s Coming — Plant Seeds And Intentions

So, Imbolc is around the corner. My CUUPs group Sacred Wheel celebrated it this past Saturday, Jan. 27. We gathered in person and through Zoom at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, New Jersey for our ritual. Some may say that this is a bit too early to celebrate Imbolc. However, our ancestors never had a calendar...

Words…words…words — Pagan words misused; misunderstood

Words…words…words — Pagan words misused; misunderstood

Often I hear, “You’re a witch! So you’re Wiccan…” This is only the beginning. This is how they relate the two. Words such as witch, warlock, heathen, spells, ritual and even, yes, Pagan and Wicca have different meanings than what’s taught. First off, before I even get into that, I’m going to jump back to...

My Pagan path – a look back into when I started my journey

My Pagan path – a look back into when I started my journey

The Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, New Jersey asked, “When did you become a UU?” What she meant was not when we signed our names to the membership registry, but to think further back. She gave us a piece of her history, including when she felt she became a...