Allies for Racial Equity disrupts oppression, uproots white supremacy, and plants seeds of justice.
Justice Ministries
Until Justice Rolls Down
“Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations points us toward something beyond inherent worth and dignity. It points us to the larger community. It gets at collective responsibility. It reminds us that treating people as human beings is not simply something we do one-on-one, but something that has systemic implications and can inform our entire cultural way of being.” – Rev. Emily Gage, Unity Temple, Chicago, IL
Hover over the images below and click through to learn more about each ministry program.
Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU)
Black Lives of UU provides information and support related to Black UU's and our work to expand our role and visibility within Unitarian Universalism.
New Jersey Together—Essex
UUCM is a proud member of New Jersey Together—Essex, a recently launched county-wide activist coalition of congregations and non-profits.
Out Front
An open and affirming group committed to the promotion of a positive image for the LGBTQIA community and a supportive environment for LGBTQIA+ individuals, friends, and family.
Social Justice Coordinating Team
Acting on our shared UU principles, locally and globally, to implement initiatives that further work to bring an end to systemic inequalities.
Undoing Racism Team
Our goal is to work with our congregation and the wider community to develop, strengthen and act upon anti-racist, multicultural perspectives
UU FaithAction NJ
Representing and organizing New Jersey's UU congregations in important areas of social action.

Justice is at the core of our faith.
Our congregations are called to make a positive difference in our wider communities. We work to serve, to raise awareness, and to support and partner with people who face injustice. We advocate, organize, and act for justice to live out the values of our faith.