Our Board of Trustees
Guiding Our Mission
We, the Board of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, covenant to actively and reflectively hold ourselves accountable to this Covenant.
In service to a culture of equity and inclusion:
We will work for equity and inclusion, countering systemic oppression in all we do for UUCM; we will work to overcome historic and institutional white privilege and other forms of structural inequities… read more
President Elect
Nancy Silverman
Past President
Sarah Scalet
John Lytle
Bridgett Nast
Trustee at Large
Lauren Carlton
Trustee at Large
Cil Knutsen
Trustee at Large
Domingo Martinez
Trustee at Large
Jo Ponticello
Trustee at Large
Deborah Ann Tripoldi
Trustee at Large
John Wodnick
Our Lay Leadership
Our vibrant congregational life is made largely possible by a host of dedicated lay leaders.
To contact any of these lay leaders, you can log into Realm to make contact directly. If you are not a member, contact admin@uumontclair.org.
Council on Ministry | Ghana Hylton (co-lead), Anne Sailer (co-lead), David Bronstein, Dennis Kurtti, Maria Towe |
Endowment/Investment | Ramona Hilgenkamp |
Personnel Team | David Hanley, Domingo Martinez, Brennyn Nast |
Thrive Team | Karen Fried (lead) |
Finance Committee | Chris Corbett |
Worship & Celebration
Chancel Guild | Ramona Hilgenkamp, Seth Laderman | |
Worship Tech Team | Deborah Ann Tripoldi (chair) | |
Sacred Wheel (CUUPS) | Deborah Ann Tripoldi | |
Memorial Garden | Rev Scott Sammler-Michael |
Family Ministry
Religious Education (RE) Team | Jill Wodnick (chair), Nicole Gray (co-chair), Judith Hogan, Wayne Eastman, Jerry Fried, David Gaynes, Francesca Elms, and John Wodnick. | |
OWL (Our Whole Lives) | Jennifer Bell, Beth Smith | |
Adult Religious Education | Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael | |
Mortenson Scholarship | Judith Hogan |
Welcome & Engagement
Connection Cafe | Susie Roman Luna; Kathleen Shaughnessy, Micah Desiante |
Membership Team | Amy Hains (Lead) |
Sunday Greeters | Peter Arian, David Hanley, Kathleen Shaughnessey |
Nominating and Leadership Development Committee (NLDC) | Peter Arian (chair), Larissa Brookes, Karen Fried, David Sailer, Norma Tassy |
Building and Grounds | John Carlton |
Aesthetics | Karen Fried, David Lewis |
Archives | Jerry Fried, Jane Gaertner |
Pledge Team | Matt Silverman, Jerry Fried, Myrna Brome, Nick Lewis, Judith Rew |
Stewardship Team | Matt Silverman, Jerry Fried, Mary Duus |
Fall Fundraiser Team | Judie Rinearson, Cil Knutsen |
Planned Giving | Chris Corbett |
Service & Justice
Social Justice Coordinating Team | Blythe Eaman |
Undoing Racism Team | Sue Raufer |
Out Front | Alex Thompson, Maddie Wilson |
UU Faith Action | John Carlton; Claudia Sanders |
Sharing Our Riches | Rev Anya Sammler-Michael |
UU Mesh Cafe | Susan Zapata |
Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) | Sue Raufer |
NJ Together | Helen Lippman, Deborah Corbett, Beth Smith |
Care & Connection
Care Team | Beth Ross (Coordinator), Catherine Greenfeeder (Cards), Victoria St.Ambrogio (Meals), Kasia Malinowska-Semprunch |
Senior Lunch Bunch | Rebecca Doggett |
Young and Young at Heart (YaYahs) Group | Deborah Ann Tripoldi, Rebecca Lutzy |
Women’s Group | Mary Ann Ficker, Mary Duus |
Dream Group | Jerry Boucher |
UUs for Jewish Awareness | George Barenholtz, Gene Steiker |
Cakes for the Queen of Heaven | Silke Springorum; Karen Fried |
Covenant Groups | Laura Wilson |
Hiking Group | Judith Hogan |
Crazy QUUilters | Arlene Marin |
Pastoral Care | Janet Schiller |
Short Fiction Group | Jerry Boutcher |