Join us for Worship: “Election” – Dr. Elias Ortega, President of our Unitarian Universalist seminary, Meadville Lombard Theological School will share worship: Election, as it is known in political terms, is the work of a democracy. Election theologically is something quite different. It is the idea that God predestined some to receive the divine grace of salvation while relegating others to sin and punishment. Our worship service, in the wake of a challenging political election, will inspire hope in the Unitarian and Universalist theologies that, counter to the doctrine of election, see potential, grace, and salvation as inherent for every soul. Glen Rombough, Markus Grae Hauck, Rev Scott, Susie Roan Luna, Laurice Grae Hauck, Brian Crooks, Michael Gilch provide music. Rev Anya prays and Jill Beckman Gaynes is liturgist.