"Happy Birthday to You!"— led by Dana N. Moore, minister UUCM worship leader. This service is a celebration of individuals, of life, of YOU! Journey with me as we trace the ritual of birthday celebrations, observances, and their influence on those who do and do not acknowledge them. A Universalist application.
Archives: Sermons
E Pluribus Unum
"E Pluribus Unum” — led by the Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael. Communities are led best when our decision making represents the diversity within our community; sometimes we must invite the diversity we hope to seek, but may not yet embody into our leadership circles, to speed transformation. Join us as we reflect on "Out of many, one," exploring how our communities can honor the spirit of truth by inviting voices not normally seen by our culture as 'leaders,' including those from historically marginalized communities. Rev Scott, DMM Markus and those from UUCM who attended the 2023 UUA General Assembly will all share how we live into this holy work of shared leadership and intersectional justice.
Lead Me
"Lead Us" — led by Ghana Hylton, UUCM member, "Who is leading our congregation Who is leading our world?"
Permission for Maximum Joy
Join us for a fun exploration of joy and fun through a theological lens. We will critique the "Frozen Chosen" and examine how congregational culture functions to support or deny certain behaviors - like expressions of joy.
Every Kind of Flower
“Every Kind of Flower” — led by the Rev. Charlie Ortman, emeritus. On this very special Flower Communion, Pride service we will be graced by Minister Emeritus Rev. Charles Blustein Ortman's presence and the testimony of our LGBTQIA Justice group Out Front as well as a bouquet of tremendous proportions from which we will all draw. This Flower Communion will be rich with music and opportunities for delight!
Another Day of Living
“Another Day of Living” — led by the Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister. The Unitarian Universalist tradition is also known as "The Living Tradition." A living tradition is malleable - attuned to new revelation and unapologetically transformable. This day of living is for a soft truth that we can transform with our will and attention. May it be beautiful!