We Are Changed Together

We Are Changed Together

“How We Are Changed Together” - led by the Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael. This is the Sunday for our annual Harvest Bread Communion. Bakers have prepared loaves from their own traditions, and members at different stages will testify to their experience of being changed as a result of their engagement with our congregation. We will also hold a Naming Ceremony for transgender, gender non-conforming and gender queer individuals, we will recognize the departure of Administrator Danielle Carlo, our Choir will sing, and our Coming of Age Class will participate in various aspects of our service.

We Are Changed

We Are Changed

This service gives us the space to reflect on the ways that we have been changed as individuals and as a community by the challenges and attendant wisdom gained over the past three years. Music, joy and a New Member Ceremony add to the gift of this gathering.

You Can’t Step in the Same River Twice

You Can’t Step in the Same River Twice

“You Can't Step in the Same River Twice” - led by the Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister. The only constant in our lives is change. How we approach, manage and lead change reveals much about our success and happiness. Using a 1939 sermon from our history - "The Menace of Anti-Semitism,' Rev Scott will show how even an issue like Anti-Semitism - which we recognize - is different when expressed in different ages. Join us as we reflect on the nature of change in word, story and song.

The Courage to Be

The Courage to Be

“The Courage To Be” - led by the Revs. Anya and Scott Sammler-Michael, senior co-ministers. We meet one another on a crooked path and collectively find our way toward freedom. Special guest the Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd joins our full ministry team for a special service.

The Courage to Grow

The Courage to Grow

"The Courage to Grow "- led by the Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister. The courage to grow begins with the truth that we are not yet the people we are called to become.

Courageous Witness Over Time

Courageous Witness Over Time

As part of our 125th Anniversary celebrations, Rev Scott shares precious gems from the UUCM Archives. We will explore how our congregation has been a leader over time for the major justice issues that confronted them, many which still confront us. This morning, Rev Scott will focus on how UUCM led the fight for Women's Rights.