Containing Multitudes, Courting Complexity

Containing Multitudes, Courting Complexity

"Containing Multitudes, Courting Complexity"— led by the Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister. So many perceptions flood our minds, so many memories dance, vying for our attention. But what do we remember, and why? How do we discern the truth when confronted with seemingly opposite realities? Using, in part, the conflict in Gaza as an example of the power of remembering the wrong things, Rev Scott invites us to court complexity in our thinking and employ humility in our proclamations.

Diversity Strengthens All

Diversity Strengthens All

"Diversity Strengthens All"— led by the Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister and the 2024 Coming of Age Class. Every year our Coming of Age class offers a worship service in which they declare their statements of belief, their convictions about who they are, and the world they are called to build. This is an incredible service and a chance to learn from our youth.

The Many and The One

The Many and The One

"The Many And The One"— led by the Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister. The most infinitesimal particle, the quark, still contains a multitude. There is no one person, one idea, or one moment in time that does not contain and contribute to diversity. This Mother's Day we celebrate the uniqueness of motherhood and the diversity of its expression and experience.

Sustaining the Call

Sustaining the Call

"Sustaining the Call" — led by the Rev. Charles Loflin, affiliated community minister. In 2006, UU FaithAction was founded as a collaborative effort of New Jersey UU congregations to confront systemic injustice through Education, Mobilization and Advocacy. The call to faith based activism is energizing but also carries with it the risk of burnout. How do we sustain the call to social justice work without being driven to exhaustion?

A Beautiful Mess

A Beautiful Mess

"A Beautiful Mess" — led by the Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister. This is the story in the service where we discover the beauty in the mess.

We All Have Something Worth Preaching

We All Have Something Worth Preaching

"We All Have Something Worth Preaching" — led by the Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister. During this week when we hosted "The Distillery: A UU Preaching Conference," we gathered and shared how each one of us are theologians, how each one of us has "Something Worth Preaching."