A woman honoring adult RE course examining pre-Judeo Christian cultures that may have worshiped the female as divine.
Care & Connection Groups
Small Group Ministry is a vital part of our congregational life. These groups meet regularly, usually monthly, to share life’s ups and downs, connect to each other in a deeper way than they could after a worship service on Sunday morning, and often share common crafts or interests.
Hover over the images below and click through to learn more about each ministry program.
Caregivers Circle
The Pastoral Care Team at UUCM wants to offer any caregiver who can use some support, a space for talking, connecting, or just simply being in community.
Connection Cafe
Where we gather to serve one another, nourish bodies and souls, connect to congregational life, and build the Beloved Community.
Crazy QUUilters
Be it a queen-sized bed quilt or decorator pillows, the work done by the Crazy QUUilters brings joy to the creators and the recipients.
Grief Support Group
The group provides a caring and confidential environment that allows its members to share their experiences with others around their loss.
Hiking GroUUp
Our Hiking GroUUp is a great way to make socially distant outdoor re-connections with other outdoorsy UUs.
Sacred Wheel CUUPs
We celebrate the Sacred Wheel of the Year, hold open discussions, host workshops, bringing awareness, and address stereotypes in a friendly environment.
Senior Lunch Bunch
We meet once a month to eat lunch together and to share stories and opinions in friendly conversation.
Short Fiction Group
We read and discuss 30-35 pages of short fiction from various collections of short stories each month.
UUs for Jewish Awareness
For members with an interest in learning more about Jewish customs and culture.
Young and Young At Heart (YaYAH) Adults Group
Celebrate each other’s company, chat about the unique challenges of being a younger adult in this era, and practice our faith together.