Sudha and Ravi Sankar are members and committed lay leaders in the Unitarian Church of Westport, Connecticut, and active Hindu Unitarian Universalists. While today’s service is structurally similar to a typical Unitarian Universalist service, we will be inviting Hinduism, the ancient religion from the East into the sanctuary.
Sermon Category: Guest Minister
Gotta Serve Somebody
"Gotta Serve Somebody" — led by Irene Cox, UUCM lay leader. What do we mean by "service"? Does service ever hurt us and does it always help others? When is service a sacrifice and when is it a gift to others or to ourselves?
What the Big Cup Holds
Join our Director of Music Ministries for an exploration of the space between radical honesty and unconditional self-love.
The Glorious Ordeal
"The Glorious Ordeal" — led by Laura Anthony, UUCM member. Is there anything scarier than being truly known? In times where it is easier than ever to misunderstand each other, we are called to embrace the danger of opening our heart.
Happy Birthday to You!
"Happy Birthday to You!"— led by Dana N. Moore, minister UUCM worship leader. This service is a celebration of individuals, of life, of YOU! Journey with me as we trace the ritual of birthday celebrations, observances, and their influence on those who do and do not acknowledge them. A Universalist application.
Lead Me
"Lead Us" — led by Ghana Hylton, UUCM member, "Who is leading our congregation Who is leading our world?"