Today’s service is led by our member and congregational leader, Ghana Hylton. Ghana has held many leadership positions in our congregation including co-chair of our Religious Education Team, and Ghana has led many previous worship services. She has a powerful, direct, and visionary voice. We are grateful for her contributions. Ghana is join by Michael Gilch on piano and vocals, Glenn Rombough on Guitar, Rev Scott on Drums, and her husband Wil Hylton singing lead. Dana Moore is our Pastoral Associate and Rev Anya serves as liturgist.
Sermon Category: Guest Minister
Do What Must Be Done
Winston Churchill is quoted as saying "It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required." But how does a covenantal faith community discern that which must be done? This service is led by UUCM member Charles Loflin, a candidate for the UU ministry. Charles is supported by Rev Anya, Dan Silver as Liturgist, Malinda Loflin as Song Leader, Juliana Carr as guest vocalist, and Director of Music Ministries Markus Grae Hauck. Rev Scott makes a special appearance on drums at the end.
Showing Up Today for the Community of Tomorrow
In the last 16 months, showing up has taken on new meaning as we connected virtually. Some of us are even deepening and renewing our commitments in community. There are always ample reasons to show up....or not! As life shifts again, how do we discern as UUs when to show up and for whom?" This edition of the 2021 North Jersey Summer Swap Worship Series features the staff of Beacon, the UU Congregation in Summit. Musicians and lay leaders from Beacon are led by Rev Emilie Boggis. Tuli Patel and Rev Robin Tanner.
Turning to the monarch butterfly as our guide and teacher, we'll examine both its individual transformation from larvae to butterfly and its multi-generational transformation as a species migrating across an entire continent each year. We'll consider the ways in which such transformations play out in our individual lives and collectively across generations. This July 18, 2021 edition of our July Summer Swap Series features Rev. Alison Miller from Morristown UU Fellowship and Rev. Andrée Cornelia Mol from Central Unitarian Church in Paramus. UUCM member Stearns Matthews, Director of Music Ministries at MUUF, also makes a special appearance.
Guardians and Gatekeepers
A shared Summer Service with the minister from First Unitarian (Fanwood) and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Somerset Hills and the Co-Ministers from the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair. This service weaves their own personal stories of guardians (those who protect and preserve) and gatekeepers (those who block and prevent.) Rev Ann Marie Alderman, Revs Anya and Scott Sammler-Michael are featured in this service.
Renewing Together: The Sacred Ground of Interdependence
Our 7th Principle reminds us to respect, perhaps even to show reverence for, our interdependence. All existence is connected, and we, as human creatures, are not above or below or apart, but wonderfully woven as part of a greater whole. The ministers and worship teams from the UU Congregation of Monmouth County in Lincroft and The Unitarian Society in East Brunswick kick off a Shared Summer Services series bringing together UU congregations across the mid-to-upper stretches of New Jersey.