Led by UUCM member Ghana Hylton, our service will ask what does faith mean for a Unitarian Universalist within this community and in relationship with our world?
Sermon Category: Ministers
Masculinity Need Not Be Toxic
“Masculinity Need Not be Toxic!” - led by the Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister and lay leader Geoff Zylstra. In honor of fathers and parents of all genders Rev. Scott and Geoff explore and celebrate the many ways that masculinity can serve the just and the good.
All the Colors of Pride
Our service will celebrate all of the colors of pride, proclaiming that we need each and every one of us to survive.
Service Calls Us Forth
This annual Service of the Living Tradition that centers around the idea and the ideal of “Home.” Transitioning leaders will be honored.
In Memoriam
We remember what we have lost and what we have found. Join us for a journey with our choir and Rev. Anya into the depths of our souls.
“Beauty is Relationship”
Join Rev Scott as we explore how to see and hear the beauty all around us.