Awakening the Power of Less

Awakening the Power of Less

Today’s service is called "Awakening the Power of Less" Here, during Lent and on the 3rd day of Ramadan, we will explore spiritual disciplines like Fasting and Simplicity. We will consider that perhaps Enlightenment is not necessarily the creation of a new state of affairs but engaging the richness of what already is. Rev Scott is joined by Markus and our awesome worship band, with songs led by Paul Lombardo and Juliana Carr. Ami Brabson returns to serve as Liturgist!

Faith in Repair, Faith in Reparations

Faith in Repair, Faith in Reparations

This service is about repair - necessary repair. It is also about the political crime of denying that repair. And this service is a call to faith - to act on the faith that repair is possible. Today’s sermon is an open letter to Governor Murphy, asking him to support and then pass the Reparation Task Force Act for New Jersey, Bill A938/S386. These readings stand as faithful touchstones from scripture and national history that further compel this action.

Faith is a Confidence, Not a Belief

Faith is a Confidence, Not a Belief

Join Rev Scott for a Pastoral exploration of the nature of faith. Faith is not about belief. It is instead a conviction, a confidence that we have searched hard to discover the truth, and have committed to living in accord with that awareness. How do we feel confident in the age of COVID, when so much we have known has been in flux for two years?

Faith in the Furnace

Faith in the Furnace

We might know where our masks are and where we have spent our pandemic days, but do we know where we have put our faith, throughout this time of struggle? We have been tested and when we are tested our faith shows up in often immediate and astounding ways.

No One is Disposable

No One is Disposable

adrienne maree brown shares "If you believe — as I do — that no one is disposable, then we have to ask ourselves questions when we feel tempted to dispose of others." Transformative justice requires that we do not cancel one another, even as we hold one another accountable, and dedicate ourselves to removing the obstacles to widening the circle of care.

Social Sin and Salvation

Social Sin and Salvation

This services invites us to redefine Sin and Salvation in ways that speak to us as Unitarian Universalists, focusing on what they mean in a social context. Members of the autumn 2021 UUCM Great Works class who examined the book "A Theology for the Social Gospel" by Walter Rauschenbusch will join Rev Scott for this important work to become part of the Interfaith conversation to share our unique vision of what is wrong and what saves us.