The History We Are Making Together

The History We Are Making Together

It is so easy to forget that in every moment we make choices that affect the history of our lives, our families, our communities. How do we assert our power with greater intention, making choices that have considered potential impacts on our posterity, in hopes that we will be deemed good ancestors by our descendants in the ages to come?



Join us for Worship: “Election” – Dr. Elias Ortega, President of our Unitarian Universalist seminary, Meadville Lombard Theological School will share worship:
Election, as it is known in political terms, is the work of a democracy. Election theologically is something quite different. It is the idea that God predestined some to receive the divine grace of salvation while relegating others to sin and punishment. Our worship service, in the wake of a challenging political election, will inspire hope in the Unitarian and Universalist theologies that, counter to the doctrine of election, see potential, grace, and salvation as inherent for every soul. Glen Rombough, Markus Grae Hauck, Rev Scott, Susie Roan Luna, Laurice Grae Hauck, Brian Crooks, Michael Gilch provide music.
Rev Anya prays and Jill Beckman Gaynes is liturgist.

When Humans Didn’t Have Faces

When Humans Didn’t Have Faces

Paleolithic artists rendered the faces of animals on the cave walls but left the humans faceless. Collective effort was more important to them than individual recognition. How do we capture that sense of collective effort, a prerequisite for Beloved Community and Justice making? Rae Dumont and Jennifer Rittner are our song leaders. Michael Gilch on piano and vox and Glenn Rombough on Elec. Gtr. & vox. Rev Anya Sammler-Michael Preaches, Dan Silver is Liturgist, and Rev Scott prays and plays drums.

The Power of Covenant

The Power of Covenant

In religious community to guide our time together we rely on Covenants not Contracts. Contracts are made for a limited period of time, involve the specific actions of offer and acceptance, and are intended to protect the interest of the parties. Covenants, however, are open-ended and are intended primarily to protect relationships by establishing processes for the peaceful resolution of differences or conflicts. Covenant manage, maintain and nurture relationships.

Women Mystic Justice Warriors

Women Mystic Justice Warriors

Today’s service, “The Beloved Divine: Women Mystic Justice Warriors”, invites us to explore women mystics through the ages, looking closely at what they wrote, what they did, and what people said about them. In this investigation we will discover how even the best work of female mystics was often co-opted by men for agendas that were often less than holy. We will also see that many of these women were warriors for a greater justice, singing songs the people of their age too seldom embraced, despite the championing of truth and service their lives embodied.

Make a Joyful Noise

Make a Joyful Noise

“Make a Joyful Noise.” Throughout this pandemic people the world round have been called to manifest hope and healing through impactful noise - whether by singing from their balconies or beeping their horns at 5pm to honor healthcare workers. Noise is too often seen as a negative, a hindrance, a warning. Our service invites us to counter these negatives with positive and vocal adulation!
This service is led by Rev Anya Sammler-Michael. Nina Cooke-John serves as Liturgist; Jill Wodnick introduces our Outreach Offering Recipient; UUCM Pres. Elect Shannon Gattens brings a message from the Board.
Music is provided by Dir of Music Ministries Markus Grae-Hauck on piano and vocals; Glenn Rombough on elec. guitar and vox; Rev Scott on drums; and featuring Kate Conroy as songleader, and lead vocals on today’s anthem.
The service starts with an Opening Loop that lasts ~4 1/2 minutes.