Today’s service called “People’s Choice” is our annual Question Box service. Questions have been submitted and questions will be solicited from those joining us virtually and those joining us in-person. What are your questions about Unitarian Universalism, Faith, God, Grief, Goodness, Theology, or more? Our Senior Co-Ministers will do their best to answer. Write them down now or when they come to mind. Questions will be solicited during the Offertory.
Sermon Category: Ministers
Do What Must Be Done
Winston Churchill is quoted as saying "It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required." But how does a covenantal faith community discern that which must be done? This service is led by UUCM member Charles Loflin, a candidate for the UU ministry. Charles is supported by Rev Anya, Dan Silver as Liturgist, Malinda Loflin as Song Leader, Juliana Carr as guest vocalist, and Director of Music Ministries Markus Grae Hauck. Rev Scott makes a special appearance on drums at the end.
Emerging Towards Truth
This service is inspired by “What Is Truth?”, a song written by Country Music legend Johnny Cash in 1970 to share his newfound Truth that the Vietnam War was a mistake, and he needed to help end it. Inspired by Cash, together we will explore notions of truth - how we build it, how we proclaim, how we recognize it. Rev Scott is joined by Rev Anya, Dionne Ford, Michael Gilch, Sam Schumann, Paul Lombardo & Dan Silver. Randy Crafton edits the video, Ann Trip calls and does audio, and Joe Palka monitors the broadcast.
Well Acquainted with Change
The spiritual and emotional challenge of our present reality is change - our ability to transform, to adjust, for the sake of our own and our communities well being. Our service touches on why this is so difficult, and provides reflective tools to smooth the challenge. This insure first service back in the Sanctuary with members and friends in the house since the start of the pandemic, March 15, 2020. Michael Gilch is guest music director, Wil Hylton sings the Anthem, Ginny and Steve Crooks lead the hymns, Ami Brabson is liturgist, and the sermon is delivered by Rev Anya Sammler-Michael.
Showing Up Today for the Community of Tomorrow
In the last 16 months, showing up has taken on new meaning as we connected virtually. Some of us are even deepening and renewing our commitments in community. There are always ample reasons to show up....or not! As life shifts again, how do we discern as UUs when to show up and for whom?" This edition of the 2021 North Jersey Summer Swap Worship Series features the staff of Beacon, the UU Congregation in Summit. Musicians and lay leaders from Beacon are led by Rev Emilie Boggis. Tuli Patel and Rev Robin Tanner.
Turning to the monarch butterfly as our guide and teacher, we'll examine both its individual transformation from larvae to butterfly and its multi-generational transformation as a species migrating across an entire continent each year. We'll consider the ways in which such transformations play out in our individual lives and collectively across generations. This July 18, 2021 edition of our July Summer Swap Series features Rev. Alison Miller from Morristown UU Fellowship and Rev. Andrée Cornelia Mol from Central Unitarian Church in Paramus. UUCM member Stearns Matthews, Director of Music Ministries at MUUF, also makes a special appearance.