Guardians and Gatekeepers

Guardians and Gatekeepers

A shared Summer Service with the minister from First Unitarian (Fanwood) and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Somerset Hills and the Co-Ministers from the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair. This service weaves their own personal stories of guardians (those who protect and preserve) and gatekeepers (those who block and prevent.) Rev Ann Marie Alderman, Revs Anya and Scott Sammler-Michael are featured in this service.

Renewing Together: The Sacred Ground of Interdependence

Renewing Together: The Sacred Ground of Interdependence

Our 7th Principle reminds us to respect, perhaps even to show reverence for, our interdependence. All existence is connected, and we, as human creatures, are not above or below or apart, but wonderfully woven as part of a greater whole. The ministers and worship teams from the UU Congregation of Monmouth County in Lincroft and The Unitarian Society in East Brunswick kick off a Shared Summer Services series bringing together UU congregations across the mid-to-upper stretches of New Jersey.

Until Love Wins

Until Love Wins

Join us for the largest annual gathering of UUs joining in worship. This powerful, communal worship experience will stream to Unitarian Universalists across the nation.

“Living Waters”

“Living Waters”

Meadville Lombard Theological School will be in our pulpit! Living Waters brings blessings from worship leaders and musicians from across the nation while our own UUCM production team will bring this service to life.

A Story Only You Can Tell

A Story Only You Can Tell

Join Rev Scott and Dionne Ford Kurtti as they share insights from our Sisters in the Wilderness class. We will explore how to equip one another to tell stories from our particular experience and identities, and the theologies they demonstrate. Even though, as Dr James Cone says, there is no Universal about God, we each have our own individual, rich lens into truth and divinity.