We move from grief to gratitude, following the path of honesty.
Sermon Category: Ministers
Two Truths and a Lie
On this day that honors our capacity to mother - to bring forth life in many forms, we focus on the stories we tell about ourselves and our beloved.
I’m a Survivor
In life we face many challenges. When have you found that you have changed your perception of yourself from surviving something to that of a survivor.
Fragile: An Earth Day Prayer
It can be difficult to imagine the Earth as Fragile. Earth reliably gives us life and never fails to feed us or provide us with beauty and inspiration. Yet our relationship to the planet we call home continues to suffer from a lack of urgency and a stubborn unwillingness to revise our ways. Join us as we investigate that relationship.
Losing Everything
Life may feel in times like it is acquisition - acquisition of moments, ideas, things... but life does not end with acquisition. It ends with an eventual and entire letting go. Here is how we reconcile ourselves to this eventual becoming.