Repairers of the Breach – Election & Conviction

Repairers of the Breach – Election & Conviction

"Repairers of the Breach - Election & Conviction" — led by the Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister. True religion calls us to bind up the broken and set the captives free. True religion calls us to be repairers of the breach. In this Bash sermon on the Council of Nicea purchased by Cil Knutsen, we will discern how to repair the breach after challenging elections.

My Ancestors’ Dreams

My Ancestors’ Dreams

"My Ancestors' Dreams" — led by the Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, co-senior minister and Judith Hogan, director of religious education. The weather is cooling and the season is turning. Many cultures recognize that this is the time when the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest. In honor of All Hallows, Day of the Dead, and Samhain we will spend time remembering our ancestors with worship and remembrance. This is an all ages service.

Where is the Gift?

Where is the Gift?

"Where is the Gift?"— led by the Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, co-senior minister. The poet and mystic Hafiz has asked: "How do I listen to others as if everyone were my mentor speaking to me his cherished last words." On this Indigenous People's Day adjacent to Yom Kippur, we listen for the gifts in others' words.

Climate Justice Revival

Climate Justice Revival

"Climate Justice Revival" — led by the Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, co-senior minister and the Climate Justice Revival Team. We are reimagining climate justice for a new era and bringing a spirit of revival and renewal to our work. Imagine that it's 2050 and we've achieved all of our wildest hopes for collective liberation. How would our world transform if love was at the center of our climate action?

A Holy Disruption

A Holy Disruption

"A Holy Disruption"— led by the Revs. Anya and Scott Sammler-Michael, co-senior ministers. No... this sermon title is not what Rev. Anya has secretly named Rev. Scott. It's an idea developed by Carl Jung that invites us to embrace the challenges, mistakes, and conundrums that upset our apple cart of a life - the disruptions that require us to find a new way.

A Wider Welcome

A Wider Welcome

"A Wider Welcome" — led by the Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, co-senior minister. Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson shares: "If justice is what love looks like in public, then inclusion is what love looks like in groups." The Revs. Anya and Scott Sammler-Michael, the Rev. Charles Loflin, Judith Hogan, and Markus Hauck welcome us home for a Wider Welcome. This is our annual ingathering water communion worship service.