It is time to rev up for the year ahead in RE. We ask you to register your children and youth now. The preferred method is to fill out the online registration form from the website at However, if you received a prefilled-in registration form, you can update that and return it to the RE office by mail or drop it off at the RE table during Coffee Hour. Hard copies of the registration form are also available during Coffee Hour or by contacting the RE office during the week.
We may be planning ahead, but there are still plenty of activities to be involved in. On Sunday June 7th, while new members are welcomed into the congregation, regular RE classes will meet for the last time for this program year. They will celebrate and pack up any art work that remains in their rooms. On June 14th, the beautiful and very UU tradition of Flower Communion will usher in the beauty of the summer solstice. Children and youth are encouraged to attend this service with their families.
The June 21st service this year is particularly poignant. With Rev. Ortman’s final sermon as settled minister at UUCM, the children will have their final Story for All Ages and then, after the Offertory, children in Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to begin Summer RE in the Peierls Room.
This summer a few of our Senior Youth and graduates from the program will be leading our children through the Culture Camp curriculum. This program is focused on teaching “peace thru play” as children “visit” different cultures. While the summer program is designed to be available on a drop-in basis, you do need to sign your child into the class each week.
Finally, there are a few Religious Education teaching opportunities still available for the upcoming year. Please contact the RE office to find out more!
For your Calendars:
June 7th – New Member Sunday; one 10:00 service and RE program.
June 14th – Flower Communion – Multigenerational Service, Nursery Only. Youth Facilitated Service.
June 21st – Summer RE Begins in the Peierls Room after the Story for All Ages.
See you Sunday,
Judith A. Stein-Farrall
Religious Education Program Coordinator